Westlaw has secondary sources covering the following topics:
You need to login with your Westlaw account to access the below pages.
Lexis Advance has secondary sources covering the following topics:
You need to login with your Lexis account to access the below pages.
Employment in Washington: A Guide to Employment Laws, Regulations and Practices
The Law of Evidence in Washington
LexisNexis Practice Guide: Washington Criminal Law
LexisNexis Practice Guide: Washington Family Law
LexisNexis Practice Guide: New Appleman Washington Insurance Law
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Civil Discovery
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Contract Litigation
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Pretrial Civil Procedure
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Real Estate Litigation
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Torts and Personal Injury
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Trial and Post-Trial Civil Procedure
LexisNexis® Practice Guide: Washington Probate and Estate Administration
Washington Administrative Law Practice Manual
Washington Business Entities: Law and Forms, Second Edition
Washington State Environmental Policy Act: A Legal and Policy Analysis
Bloomberg's Practice Centers has valuable practice tools and resources covering the following practice areas.
You need to login with your Bloomberg account to access the below pages.
When you are trying to research a Washington specific legal issue, chances are that one of the following four sets will either answer your question or provide you a good starting point:
The Washington Deskbooks are available in print in the Reserve area of the library or online via Lexis+.
The library has many useful secondary sources on a number of topics, searchable in the Primo catalog. If looking for Washington specific sources, put "Washington" into your search to see if any state specific resources come up. Be sure to take advantage of the subject headings in the catalog to check for additional resources once you have located a relevant treatise.
For emerging areas of law, sometimes CLE materials will be a good resource. Use the Primo catalog to search for relveant CLEs. Be sure to make a note of the date to avoid using outdated materials.
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