We are sorry to share that the law library is no longer able to offer access to Quimbee. Our current Quimbee access will end on June 10, 2024.
Quimbee is increasing the cost of our subscription by 220%. We know that Quimbee is a popular resource for studying and exam prep and we are disappointed to lose access, but the library budget simply cannot absorb such a significant price increase.
The law library is in the process of acquiring Aspen Learning Library and Practice Perfect. Aspen Learning Library will provide all law students with online access to popular study aids including Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel Crunchtime, and more, complementing our existing online study aids available through Digital Library. Practice Perfect will provide all law students with access to interactive videos and quizzes for studying core legal topics. We are working hard to get access to these new resources set up as soon as possible. Stay tuned for a follow-up announcement from the library when Aspen Learning Library and Practice Perfect are live.
The law library continues to provide access to a number of other online study aid collections, including the Digital Library, Lexis Practical Guidance videos, CALI tutorials, and more. See Study Aids Overview in this guide for more information about the study aids available to you both online and in the library’s print collection.
We hope to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the law librarians if you use Quimbee for something specific and need help finding the best resource equivalent in our library. You can reach us at lawreference@seattleu.edu.
Seattle University Law Library
901 12th Avenue | Seattle, WA 98122 | 206-398-4220
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