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Seattle University Law Library Blog

Check in with Tilman Larson

by Unknown User on 2017-07-13T08:00:00-07:00 in Law School | 0 Comments

This summer, we are sharing a series of profiles on our former library interns and alumni of Seattle University School Law. We love to hear what they're up to!

Where do you work and what is your role?

I am an associate attorney at the Law Offices of John M. Hyams. My career path to this point has been a non-traditional path. When I graduated from SU, I had been hired by Thomson Reuters to work as a Westlaw Account Manager in Pennsylvania. I worked in this position for about 6 ½ years before the company went through a major reorganization and eliminated several positions, including mine. By that point, I had taken and passed the Pennsylvania Bar. So I opened up my own law firm and worked as a solo practitioner until July of 2016. I then merged my firm with the Law Offices of John M. Hyams.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Court room experience. I practice Family Law, Criminal Defense, aspects of Bankruptcy, Unemployment Compensation, Employment Law, Landlord / Tenant Law, Estate Planning and Administration, Business Law, and some civil litigation matters. Much of my work requires drafting pleadings, motions, and being in court. Although being in court can sometimes be terrifying, the thrill of presenting evidence, examining and cross-examining witnesses, and hearing the judge rule on the merits is also very exhilarating.

What did you do before law school, and what led to you pursue a law degree?

Prior to law school, I worked as an inventory specialist as a local hospital. On a part-time basis, I was also an assistant track coach for a local high school team. My pursuit of a law degree began when I was in 9th grade after taking a personality test. My number 2 profession was Attorney. However, I really didn’t think about that again until about two years before graduating from college. At that time a very good friend had just taken the LSAT and encouraged me to pursue a law degree because of its versatility in the business profession. Having not had much success in securing an internship or work generally in my field of study, I began studying for the LSAT. And the rest is history in the making.

What have you found most valuable during your law school education?

The training and now ability to look for solutions to a problem from all perspectives.

What advice do you have for SU students or grads?

Network. Network. Network. It sounds so cliché, but it really is true. You really never know where one simple connection may lead you. I did not expect an invitation to lunch from my current employer while I was a solo practitioner to discuss the possibility of merging firms. And at that time I was simply looking to network and possibly connect with him for referrals.

What was your most memorable experience in the library or at SU generally?

In the library, I really enjoyed researching and working on the history of the Bluebook exhibit that was displayed for a short period of time. At SU generally, I really enjoyed simply associating with such a diverse and brilliant group of peers and colleagues, whether that was in class, studying with them, or socializing with them outside of SU.

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